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What's Cython?

Cython is really nothing but a fancy preprocessor written in Perl. It let you code C and C++ (and Perl with Pyrl further down the page) with a more Pythonish synthax, that is, you don't enter curlybrackets or semicolons to define programflow and blocks. Everything is controlled by indentation.
For a closer look at the synthax, check out the Cython documentation.

cytoc (the Cython 'compiler') 'compiles' the files to (with a choice of pretty or simple output) C/C++ and (optionally) passes them to the 'real' compiler. It also captures the output and translates the linenumbers.

What's Pyrl?

Pyrl is the "Perl version" of Cython. Pyrl doesn't have a projectfile or anything and is just intended to preprocess the code before passing it to perl. Ofcourse it is possible to just generate the Perl source code, if one wishes to continue coding in pure Perl or just need the perl code, instead of in this beautifully fastcoded style ;)
The only features of Pyrl is thus the synthax. Check out the Pyrl documentation for more info.


Check out the menu on the left, aren't those little characters annoying? ;)
Well, I'm lazy, so I find it to be unnecessay work to type all those brackets and semicolons. I also think it's more beautiful without all those ugly unneeded characters (although, sometimes I feel the exact opposite).


Expect bugs to be ironed out eventually, because I use both pYrl and Cython for all my new projects.
If you find some bug or have an idea for a small feature, mail me.

(pYrl) One very unnice thing is that in you have to type two spaces or a tab before a comment.. I have to make som more intelligent code that can differentiate between a comment '#' and a '#' somewhere in code..

(pYrl) Another problem is that you can't just write "#!/usr/bin/pyrl" at the top of your pyrlscript, you have to run pyrl script.ply. If anyone can point out some info on how I can make pyrl handle being called this other way, let me know.


2000-10-23: Lot's of updates, features, and bug removals, both to Cython and Pyrl.
2000-10-11: Some fixes to Pyrl, and MANY fixes and feature adds to Cython! Cython is now very much continued ;)
2000-06-17: Small changes, Pyrl updates. Cython is more or less discontinued.
2000-05-31: Added documentation and Pyrl.
2000-05-30: Began coding and 'finished' Pyrl.
2000-05-28: Began on this site.
